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[原创] 街友们注意到没有,欧洲时钟慢了6分钟耶!

发表于 2018-3-24 17:39:10 | 看全部 |阅读模式



494-time-europe-clocks_1024.jpg 街友们,大家好!大家发现了么,街友们,欧洲时钟最近慢了6分钟耶,今天的周六科技小品文,华人街小编编译来啦:

There's a Strange Reason Why Clocks Across Europe Are Running 6 Minutes Slow A rift in space-time...?
Time is a strange thing. As Einstein said, it is a relative concept. He wasn't predicting a bizarre paradox to beset Future Europe in the year 2018, but he may as well have been. For months, people in several European countries have encountered a strange wrinkle in time: clocks are telling them different things. While many timepieces are as infallible as ever, other clocks have been falling behind, second by second, ever since mid-January.
As of last week, this weird phenomenon accounted for a delay of close to 6 minutes. Not exactly a postponement to threaten the very fabric of the Universe… but a heck of a way to miss your morning bus.
As strange as this timely dilemma is, it's not a distortion of the space-time continuum that's to blame. It's us – or more specifically, it's politics. In this case, European politics. But before we get into that, it's important to understand there are a number of ways clock keep time. In the olden days – and not-so-olden days – it was mechanical. Digital clocks are different, and keep time in a few different ways. Modern internet-connected devices like your smartphone or computer sync up with other clocks over the web, whereas standalone devices like digital watches or many battery-powered alarm clocks use a crystal oscillator. But there's a whole range of other devices that get their sense of time from mains power, including ovens, alarms, heaters, and microwaves. These sorts of clocks keep time by counting the number of oscillations in the alternating current they receive, which also powers them; in other words, the number of times the flow of electricity changes directions every second. In the US, this is 60 times, or 60 Hz. In Europe, it's 50 Hz – or at least, it's supposed to be. And this is where politics comes into it.
这种奇怪的现象并不是因为时空扭曲了,罪魁祸首其实是人之间的纠纷。 首先我们要明白,钟表的计时方式有很多。以前的钟表通过机械方式计时,数字时钟则与之不同。现在像手机、电脑等联网设备则通过网络与其它时钟进行同步,但电子手表或电池式闹钟等独立设备则依靠石英振荡器计时。 欧洲时钟为什么慢了6分钟? CREDIT: 锐景创意 但也有很多设备是依靠主电源“感知”时间的,比如烤箱、警报器、取暖器和微波炉等。这些设备通过接收到的交流电振幅计算时间。在美国,交流电的振幅是60次/秒,也就是60赫兹;欧洲的则是50赫兹,至少本该如此,可这时候政治界插手进来了。 欧洲输电运营商联盟(ENTSO-E)负责运营25个独立欧洲国家的电网。该联盟称,他们所提供的电源自一月中旬以来便出现了“频率偏差”。这种偏差很小,但足以让人们注意到。
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), which runs the grid powering 25 separate European countries, disclosed recently that "frequency deviations" in power supply have been experienced across the network since mid-January. This deviation isn't much, but it is noticeable (clearly). Instead of delivering 50 Hz – which is what mains-powered European clocks expect to get if they're to keep accurate time – the European grid has averaged 49.996 Hz, which is enough of a disruption, over a couple of months, to make all these clocks lose almost 6 minutes. Have you noticed your clock running late? ! The Continental European Power System is experiencing a continuous system #frequency deviation from the mean value of 50 Hz since mid-January 2018. Why is this happening?

In this case, the shortfall was due to a disagreement between Serbia and Kosovo, over who was ultimately responsible for the upkeep of a Kosovan power plant (on paper, it appears to have been Serbia, but it's a complicated situation). The good news is, according to ENTSO-E, the deviations affecting the average frequency in the synchronous area of Continental Europe have now ceased, although the network is still figuring out how to restore the missing energy (some 113 GWh in total) lost since January. It's not clear how that will be done exactly, but the long and short of it is, as soon as Europeans reset their affected clocks, the oscillations should be purring along nice and regular now.


(华人街网站编译:杨贤政先生,编辑:末代华侨,来源:www.sciencealert.com 图片:网络,转载请注明意大利华人街:huarenjie0039)

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